Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This is my girl!

I love her so much.

She is only a year old and already a beauty queen.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I have officially had my first experience with Barrett-Jackson; known as the "World's Greatest Collector Car Event".

The event is held in Scottsdale in a huge tent called West World. There were fancy cars everywhere. I mean like One Million Dollar Fancy! I could buy 5 of my houses for that kind of cash...!

Anyway, so the whole thing turned out to be a pretty good time. Do I ever need to go again? No. Will I? Probably. I'm married to Brance after all, and he likes nothing more than to be out and about looking at "things".

And boy were there lots of things - expensive things. Like a framed collage of the early president's - with real signatures from George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and some others. The cost of that baby was a whopping $75,000! ! ! They also had a collage full of Beatles's memerobelia, including an autographed guitar! Awesome, but $62, 000 is still out of my price range.

The night had its ups and when this girl came along and tried to talk to my boys: She was hilarious! Definitely an UP! Just look at Brance's face! Priceless!

There were also times when I became a little bored, hence the self portrait of me in the loo.

Overall, I give the whole night an 8. Only because I could see how happy Brance was. But don't worry about me - when we go to NY in February, we're seeing Chicago on Broadway!
That's right, I get mine!