Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Family Look Alike Contest

In the last week I have come across two people who resemble members of my family. The first is a Jewish guy named Erik Abramawitz. Brance and I accidentally stumbled upon his local comedy show a couple of weeks ago. In my opinion he was the funniest comedian we saw that night. But every time he walked by and the whole time he was on stage I couldn't help but think, 'That guys looks like Seb'. Seb (or Sebastian, which is his full name) is my brother-in-law and as it turns out, Erik's twin! Check this out:Similarly, my mother-in-law's BF looks just like the guy on the Prime Time TV show, "What Would You Do?" I did a side by side for this one as well:

I personally find this both super amusing and funny. I wish I could find someone who looks just like me or Brance so I could do the side by side for us, too!

There's one more photo that reminds me of someone:

Love you heesk-a-loo