Monday, April 6, 2009

13 Weeks Later...

So I am now 13 weeks pregnant. And feeling a little crazy. I have too many feelings to even keep straight. For starters, I have a "hormonal rash" all over my torso that is driving me bananas. Second, I am still feeling very tired. I cannot believe myself when I just pass out in the most uncomfortable positions right smack dab during the middle of the day. On a positive note my nausea has pretty much gone away! Hopefully I am past the worst of it, and will soon be feeling full of energy!

But there are other things going on in my head. Like what our little angel will look like? Will it be a boy or girl!? I wonder if the baby will be a good sleeper? Will baby like seafood someday? These are all the things I can't wait to find out.

Brance is super fun to be expecting with. He could not be more involved if he was the one actually growing the baby. He reads up on all the symptoms I'm going through, he sits and daydreams with me about what our little Butler will be like and we even take frequent strolls through the baby section of stores, just imagining the day when we will soon be surrounded by all of those baby items!

In some ways it feels like 9 months is an eternity. I know that 10 or 20 years from now I'll look back at this time in my life and cherish the memory. So, I will do my best do enjoy each and every moment I have to spend with the new little love of my life.